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Market Place

Free ads. for individuals wanting to advertise tethered car, boat and engine related items for sale and for specific items wanted. This will be a rolling page so that new items can be added or sold items removed at any stage of the month. Commercial or regularly available items are to be found on the Spares page

A few basic rules:- 

Ads. should have precise and accurate details of the items for sale, an asking price and a photo if available.
Contact details as you wish them to be displayed, @ can be replaced by (at) in an email address.
Wanted ads. must be for specific items,  catch all ads. will not be posted.
Please notify OTW when items are sold so that ads can be amended.   otwmedia0@gmail.com

Inclusion of an advert does not imply any endorsement by OTW, responsibility for the accuracy of descriptions or for any subsequent communications with advertisers.    

February 2025

13th Feb New Items and notification of BMFA auction

The Catalogue for the first BMFA auction on 8th March is now published Online sales only.

From Pavel Pirov another of his super TMP Powered FI look alikes along with TMP motor and glow contacts

F1 model is prepared for racing. Everything works and in excellent condition, Temp 2.5 engine.
I will send more detailed photos and drawings to email.
The cost is 250 euros. Postage 30 euros. Total 280 euros.    contact Pavel Pirov email  pps61@inbox.lv

Silver-plated contacts for glow plugs.
Cost - 1 euro.

Temp 2.5D model engine in good condition.
The cost is 100 euros. Postage 25 euros. Total 125 euros

7th February: Notification of another engine collection being auctioned this month

As well as the SAS auction of tethered cars and engines we have been contacted regarding a collection of engines that is to be part of a toy and model auction on 25th February at UK Toy and Model Auctions. Thirty three lots comprising no less that 130 engines, including the Rowell 60 that Dick Roberts tested in 2008. Online only.

New additions 5th February: There have been a number of enquiries as to whether Pavel Pirov (p12man on ebay) was still able to provide his valuable selection of tyres, wheels etc. Happily we have just received these adverts from him, with more to follow.

I have the opportunity to place orders for vulcanization again. I can accept orders for these tires, as well as for special tires with other sizes. At the moment I have the following items for sale.

Tires for rear wheels.
1.Rear tires for TEMP 2.5 engine (OD 54mm),thickness 10mm - 21 euros per pair.
2.Rear tires OD 61mm, ID 36 mm, 48mm lock, thickness 5mm - 13 euros per pair.
3.Rear tires OD 63 mm, ID 28 mm, 36.5-44.5mm lock, thickness 6mm- 13 euros per pair.
4.Rear tires aluminum disk inside OD 59.5 mm, ID 12 mm, 36mm lock, thickness 6mm- 21 euros per pair.
5.Rear tires OD 78.5 mm, ID 12 mm, 55-45mm lock, thickness 5.4mm- 13 euros per pair.

For all items please contact Pavel Pirov email  pps61@inbox.lv

Rear wheels OD 61mm,ID cone 6 mm,total thickness 1.5mm, tires thickness 5mm,screws stainless steel - 55 euros per pair. Spare tires 13 euros per pair.

Front wheels.
1.Front wheels OD 59.5mm,ID bearings 5 mm, screws stainless steel - 45 euros per pair.
There are 3 pairs at the moment.

2.Front wheels OD 59.5mm,ID bearings 5 mm, polished rims, screws stainless steel - 48 euros per pair.

I also have several TEMP 2.5 engines separately as well as new kits for making models, KMD 2.5 engines and other engines for racing, kits for making racing models, ready to race models.  Further adverts to follow

New addition, the only item that has arrived in January, but as it is so close to the new edition, February it is.

A unique offer to OTW readers. We have mentioned this new addition to the range of Oliver style castings, but now it is available at a very special price via this ad. The complete range of Oliver castings can be seen at the bottom of the page.

New Oliver Vanwall body casting set, introductory offer to OTW followers only.  For a limited period. One set as shown in first two photos for £100 plus shipping at cost to most destinations.

The original 1957 car was the first Grand prix win for a British car and driver with Tony Brooks and Stirling Moss since Henry Seagrave driving a Sunbeam back in 1923?? I hope to provide a 3D printed exhaust manifold and windscreen in due course, any advice on suppliers for this welcome.

Contact John Goodall at john(at)johngoodall.me.uk or telephone 01283 713715

December 2024

A truly 'unique' motor on offer, another amazing piece of engineering from the late Peter Rischer. Peter was renowned for exploring the boundaries of car and engine design, coming up with a huge range of alternatives to the more conventional. See our tribute to Peter for more of his incredible creations. 

For sale is a prototype built around 1985 by Peter Rischer. The engine is a 2 x 2.5cc for a 5cc class tether car The engine has a slotted timing system with overlaid diaphragm intake (Yamaha Torque Induction System).  Engine is new. A superb engine in a fantastic German Quality.

For further details, price and shipping please contact OTW in the first instance and we will pas on details to the seller.  otwmedia0@gmail.com

November 2024

From Paul Goodall comes this remarkable selection of items, much of use to car builders, especially the runnable tyres that are currently in very short supply. 

For sale: Almost thirty converted twin shaft car engines, part of a deceased enthusiast's estate. These were all converted by Alan Knight and are all in excellent condition as delivered by Alan.

Prices from £75 for Allbon Dart 0.50cc to £225 for a Cornell racing 2.5cc engine. Other engines are AM 10, 15, 35, DC Spitfire, DC Sabre, Elfin 1.49, 2.49, ED Hawk 1.5, 2x ED Racer Mk4, McCoy 29, Mills 1.3, CS Oliver Tiger 2.5, 2 x Temp 2.5cc and one unknown “one off” about 5cc There is also a spur gear drive with sprag clutch and a good RITM 2.5cc RRV Russian engine on mount with axle needing attention so cheap.

I have seven or eight tether Hydro model boats in good running order and three RC boats, one scale electric power and two ICE modern RC Hydros with tuned pipes.

For lots of model engines, collectable to modern RC, or users see my web site at www.bamopro.co.uk

I also have a few car bodies left McCoy, Hornet 19, Hot Rod, Bremmer Whirlwind and Dooling “F” type etc plus about 100 runnable car tyres and a few wheel hubs. Contact Paul Goodall for details and individual prices, photos etc 01283 713715 or email john(at)johngoodall.me.uk


For Sale-Relisted: Not all sales go according to plan unfortunately, so the owner of this immaculate Northfield Ross six cylinder motor has asked us to re-list it. For further detail of cost and shipping, please email OTW otwmedia0@gmail.com in the first instance and we will pass your enquiry on to the vendor.

October 2024

For sale: Bjorn Granberg has passed us details of his father's collection of tethered cars, engines and assorted spares that he is selling. There is an extensive list, all photographed, described and priced with shipping costs from Sweden. To this end we have attached the link to the gallery rather than try and copy and paste every item. 


Engines include
Elfin. Falk/AFA 1.5cc. Moki 5 &10cc. Webra. Dooling 29s. Ohlsson 60s. McCoy 19 &10cc. St 15 & 21
Oliver Tiger. Bohlin MB 10. Arne Hende Dooling and Komet
Dooling Arrow and Dooling motor. Dooling P3. 2 x FEMA cars. Movo Sprint Ferrari. SoCal belly tank. McCoy Mite
Assorted magazines and books.

Bjorn's contact details are included in the gallery.

Oliver Castings

We are delighted to be finally able to reveal the results of a project that has been on going for a number of months to make the entire range of Oliver castings available again. OTW has known of the plans for a while, but now, Ian Harper has everything in place to supply castings for these iconic cars. Most importantly, these are not 2nd or 3rd generation castings, but from the Oliver/Howlett originals, and at a very competitive price. We have to applaud Ian for making this happen and making the castings available again after a significant hiatus.

The Oliver model car bodies are available once more from me “Ian Harper”, a recent convert to Tether Cars, having purchased the original body patterns from Paul Ironmonger. I obtained a good deal from a local and friendly Black Country foundry enabling me to offer sets at a reasonable price bearing in mind recent cost increases in power and aluminium prices.

I intend to extend the range with a Vanwall and maybe one more in the near future preferably British, your advice is always welcome. Photos show the complete line up of castings and most of them built by John Goodall except the unfinished Bomb. Alfa Romeo, BRM (with re-contoured intake), Ferrari, Maserati, Mercedes and Tiger 2.5 are all priced at £130 a set of top and bottom halves, with Bomb and Bottoms Up priced at £110 plus £10 shipping in UK only.

Please enquire actual shipping cost if outside the UK. Please contact me Ian Harper at Telephone 07840 389274, or email ianharper1961@gmail.com  Thank you.

